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bearbrickbaccarat| The main domestic capital sold 48.5 billion yuan! Facing the risk of systemic killing?

Today, the stock market is sharply divided, and the index has generally fallen sharply. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.Bearbrickbaccarat.65%, the gem fell 1.97%, the CSI 1000 index fell 4.18%, and the microdisk index fell 10.46%. Foreign capital fled 2.8 billion, while domestic capital mainly sold 48.5 billion. A total of 279 stocks rose in the two markets. It won't pass until 2024.BearbrickbaccaratIt took more than three months, but experienced two waves of stock crashes that fell in January and poor performance stocks and quantitative stocks plummeted in April. This slump is different from the general fall a year ago, but is caused by the prospect of market perfection and regulation. the marginalization of bad currencies leads to the panic of good currencies, so there are a lot of mistakes.

bearbrickbaccarat| The main domestic capital sold 48.5 billion yuan! Facing the risk of systemic killing?

The new national nine is a long-term positive for A-shares, raising the IPO threshold, strictly prohibiting high-price issuance and over-offering, strictly restricting the reduction of holdings and cash, encouraging listed companies to pay dividends and repurchase write-offs, junk enterprises should completely withdraw from the market, and gradually ban financial instruments such as financing and securities lending, and strengthen supervision or raise costs. Fitch downgraded the sovereign credit rating outlook of China's six state-owned banks (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China (601288), Bank of Communications and Postal savings Bank) from "stable" to "negative".

The CSRC responded to questions about dividends and delisting. ST shares do not mean delisting. ST without dividends only accounts for the data of more than 80 companies in the first three years. After the implementation of the new rules, listed companies will be able to adjust their dividend policy to avoid ST without dividends. Delisting is not for small-cap stocks. At present, only four companies with delisted market capitalization meet the criteria. The psychological defense line of the Shanghai Composite Index is at 3000 points, and the support level of the gem is at 1750 points, but the gem is relatively fragile. At this stage, what we need to do is to wait patiently for the emergence of the warming signal, and the simplest way to judge is to control the number of falling limit boards. The daily limit of small-cap stocks must end this afternoon at the latest, otherwise heavyweights will also be dragged down. If 3000 points are completely lost, the market will once again face the risk of systemic downside at the beginning of the year.

The sharp differentiation, rebound, bearish bearish (bearish) market perfection and compliance caused by the sharp fall in poor performance stocks and quantitative stocks, the rebound depends on the risk tips of Hexun self-selected stock writers today: the above content only serves as the views of the author or guests, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.

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