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deuceswildfreedownload| Chen Junqi: The continuous changes in the strength of gold focus on the gains and losses of the 2334 high

The fall of Golden Tuesday is not as slippery as Monday.DeuceswildfreedownloadThe European market pierced the low and rebounded, while the US market continued to rebound, reaching the highest level of 2332, and the price approached the intraday high of 2334 under pressure and fell back to the end of the shock trend. after the current market rose and fell sharply, it entered the shock trend, brewing the next round of outbreak of the market, there is a chance to participate, need to wait patiently for the position.

deuceswildfreedownload| Chen Junqi: The continuous changes in the strength of gold focus on the gains and losses of the 2334 high

The recent market does not talk about the trend change for the time being, focusing on the change of short-term strength. Yesterday, there was nothing wrong with the low box body of gold in Asia and Europe at 2314, but after the price broke through the inflection point of 2314, it was easy to form continuous anti-pulling. at this time, we can not be stubborn, the intraday air single-stop loss leaves the market, the US market once approached the 2334 high suppression position. Tips here do not break in the vicinity of 2331 can hit more than 2313 in a short wave, the overall trend of the US market is still in line with expectations.

Recently, the market has changed greatly, so we need to pay attention to the rhythm change of long and short. Yesterday, we stopped at 2331 level twice at midnight, and continued to approach the early drop of 2334. Then the upper watershed of the day is the 2334 position, which does not break the short space here. The break is followed directly. The lower support pays attention to the 2314 position. Yesterday, the white disk was at the high point. After the breakthrough here, it continued to rise to 2331 US dollars. Then the lowest fall is just in the 2314 position, this price can also be used as the key point of the strength of the day, fall back here is much shorter, break the rebound and short.

In terms of intra-day operation, yesterday the US market rebounded high at 2331, the midnight rebound high was also at 2331, yesterday's high was at 2334, and the current gold quotation is 2326. Today, gold rebounded in Asia and Europe without breaking 2331 pound 34 to suppress short selling. Stop loss is above yesterday's high of 2334, the target is down $15, below focus on the gain and loss of 2314, it is much shorter to touch here, and the break will continue to test 2300. At that time, the rebound follows the empty focus on more than 2390, and the recent market is a roller coaster trend with big ups and downs, the correct position is very critical, and the middle position is more of a small damage attempt, once the break inflection point homeopathic follow up!

Specific operation strategy: more than 2314 gold in Asia and Europe, loss of 2308, target 2325-34DeuceswildfreedownloadRebound around 2331Compact 34 to suppress short space, bounce close to 2331Universe 34 to enter, which requires sticking points, more aggressive, then break 2334 highs as losses in the current 2326 can be shorted, the target is $15 for 12gamble, break 2334 is more than; break 2334 on the US disk or break 2314 short-term follow-up to see the extension of more than $12 in the bag.

The above is only for the individual's current interpretation of the market point of view, the market is rapidly changing, specific transactions should be based on the actual market trend specific research and judgment, personal opinions only for reference, pay attention to light position serious damage, do a good profit-loss ratio, trading risks, enter the market need to be cautious!

[risk Tip] according to the relevant regulations on foreign exchange management, the buying and selling of foreign exchange shall be carried out at the trading venues prescribed by banks and other countries. Whoever buys and sells foreign exchange privately, buys and sells foreign exchange in disguise, buys and sells foreign exchange or illegally introduces a relatively large amount of foreign exchange shall be imposed by the foreign exchange control agency according to law; if the case constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

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