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100freecasinoslotgames| Shanghai improves existing resources and increases the supply of elderly care service facilities guidelines: existing industrial office and other buildings can be converted into elderly care facilities

According to the website of the Shanghai Municipal people's Government on April 30.100freecasinoslotgamesShanghai Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Commission and other six departments jointly issued the "Municipal Development and Reform Commission and others on the issuance of the revised" promote and standardize the use of stock resources to increase the supply of old-age service facilities. "Circular. These guidelines will come into effect on May 1, 2024.100freecasinoslotgamesValid until April 30, 2029.

The stock resources referred to in the guidelines include three categories: commercial, office, community housing or industrial and warehousing; training centers held by party and government organs and state-owned enterprises and institutions in transition; other stock resources suitable for pension service facilities.

100freecasinoslotgames| Shanghai improves existing resources and increases the supply of elderly care service facilities guidelines: existing industrial office and other buildings can be converted into elderly care facilities

Lu Wenxi, a senior analyst at Shanghai Central Plains Real Estate, told that under the new situation, whether it is guiding stock resources to provide rental housing or providing pension facilities, it will substantially eliminate inventory, which will help prevent and resolve risks; on the other hand, Shanghai has entered an aging society, guiding stock resources to provide pension facilities is more in line with the current reality and should be encouraged.

Revision background: when the original document expires, the new guidelines further clarify the workflow and safeguard measures

When interpreting the document, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission mentioned that in 2019, according to the arrangement of the municipal government, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, the Municipal Housing Urban and Rural Construction Management Committee, and the Municipal Emergency Bureau, formulated and issued the "working guidelines for promoting and standardizing the use of Stock Resources to increase the supply of Old-age Service facilities" (Shanghai Development and Reform Standard (2019) No. 4, hereinafter referred to as the "working guidelines") The document expires on May 1, 2024.

According to the work arrangement, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments listened to the opinions of all parties and studied and formed the revised "work guidelines." This revision further clarifies the corresponding work flow and safeguard measures on the basis of continuing the overall framework and basic contents of the document, and optimizes and adjusts some of the statements in the document according to the changes in the functions of institutional reform and the latest policy requirements of the state and this city. At the same time, highlight the safety bottom line requirements, supplement the municipal fire rescue team as a joint issuing unit, and further strengthen the behavior of standardizing the use of existing resources to set up old-age service facilities to ensure the safety of facilities.

The document defines the working mechanism. The district governments are responsible for promoting the effective use of the existing resources in their respective administrative regions. At the district level, they should establish a coordination mechanism for the overall utilization of the existing resources, coordinate the opinions of civil affairs, planning resources, housing construction, emergency response, fire protection, environmental protection, health and health, streets and towns, and form a joint effort to increase the supply of pension services and facilities in an orderly manner according to various levels of planning and pension needs. The district civil affairs department is specifically responsible for collecting, collecting and submitting relevant project information and opinions, and taking the initiative to do a good job in the service work.

The implementation path is clear

Path 1: stock resources are included in urban renewal. Encourage stock resources to be transformed into pension service facilities through urban renewal, among which: for the use of stock industry and warehousing to set up pension service facilities, the path of urban renewal should be adopted in principle.

Management process: (1) Project proposal. The right holder applies to the district government for the establishment of pension service facilities through the civil affairs department.

(II) inclusion in the updated work plan. Combined with the planning and renewal needs of the city's pension facilities, the district government will bring the proposed pension service facilities project into the district urban renewal (stock industrial land revitalization) work plan to clarify the main body of the project.

(3) Project evaluation and planning adjustment. Organize the implementation department to evaluate the proposed project and form an evaluation report, which shall be submitted to the district government for approval and incorporated into the district city renewal project database. The district government shall promote the planning and improvement work in accordance with the relevant regulations of urban renewal.

(4) sign a supplementary contract for the transfer of land. The obligee shall pay the stock land transfer fee in accordance with the regulations, and the planning and resources departments of each district shall incorporate the management requirements such as the construction and operation of pension service facilities put forward by the civil affairs department into the land transfer contract.

(5) Project construction. The project legal person shall organize and implement the project in accordance with the procedures of capital construction.

The Shanghai Development and Reform Commission said that according to the latest policy documents of the city, the relevant expression of path-1 has been optimized and improved according to the feedback of relevant departments. "the organization and implementation department in the third point of the processing process will evaluate the proposed project and form an evaluation report, which will be submitted to the district government for approval. Draw up the update implementation plan, go through the planning adjustment procedures in accordance with the regulations, and simultaneously listen to the opinions of the relevant departments to organize the implementation department to evaluate the proposed project and form an evaluation report, which shall be submitted to the district government for approval and incorporated into the district city renewal project database. The district government will promote the planning and improvement work in accordance with the relevant regulations of urban renewal. At the same time, in Article 1 of the safeguard measures, "in accordance with the provisions of relevant documents such as the implementation measures for urban renewal, the measures for invigorating the stock of industrial land and the planning of pension facilities", it will be adjusted to "in accordance with the regulations of Shanghai Municipal regulations on Urban Renewal and relevant supporting documents, combined with the special plan for the layout of old-age service facilities".

Wan Chengrui, general manager of Shiernuo (Shanghai) Endowment Service Co., Ltd., said that from the practical point of view, after the path is optimized and improved, the operation path will be more clear and focused, and "it is not suitable to be used as a long-term residential service institution such as a nursing home." in fact, it broadens the scope that can be transformed.

Wan Chengrui also said that in daily work contact, a lot of stock resources such as stock industry and warehousing actually want to be converted to operating pension facilities, and the new guidelines clearly include stock resources in urban renewal, so that the transformation of these resources is based on evidence and a clear process.

Path 2: the stock resources temporarily change the function of the building. For commercial, office and community housing, on the basis of ensuring structural safety and fire safety, the nature of planning and land ownership can be temporarily not changed, new construction or expansion may not be allowed, and building functions can be temporarily changed. set up standard old-age service facilities. In the specific work, the stock resources that temporarily change the use function of the building should be given priority to community old-age service facilities (elderly care home, day service center, elderly buffet, etc.), and priority should be given to non-profit and universal old-age service facilities.

Handling procedure:

(1) the project is proposed. The obligee of the stock facility or the implementing unit entrusted by it puts forward the demand for the establishment of pension service facilities to the district government through the civil affairs department and submits the relevant materials. After a preliminary summary by the civil affairs department, it will be submitted to the district government for special study.

(2) Project evaluation. The district government relies on the coordination and promotion mechanism of stock facilities, co-ordinates the needs of regional development, and integrates the opinions of civil affairs, planning resources, housing construction, emergency response, fire protection, environmental protection, health and health, as well as the streets and towns where the building is located, to make a decision on whether the stock building is used for the establishment of pension service facilities.

The relevant departments put forward their opinions in accordance with their respective duties, among which: in the light of the supply and demand of old-age services in the region, the relevant departments mainly put forward opinions on the necessity of the project, the impact on the surrounding residents and the potential risk of social stability; the planning resources department mainly puts forward opinions on whether there is land collection and storage and planning suitability at the project site. The housing construction department mainly puts forward opinions on the structural safety of houses, and implements the review of fire control design; the fire control department mainly puts forward opinions on the fire safety conditions and management of changes in building functions, and the impact of the surrounding environment on the fire safety of old-age facilities; where the park and the management committee are involved, the park and the management committee put forward opinions on the suitability of the regional functional layout.

(3) implementation of the project. With the decision-making consent of the district government, the civil affairs department issued a work contact form, and each unit did a good job in promoting the implementation of the project accordingly.

The Shanghai Development and Reform Commission said that in view of the lack of restrictions on the use of existing resources to set up long-term residential and nursing service institutions such as the Shanghai regulations on Old-age Services and the guidance on strengthening Planning and Land Security to support the Development of Old-age Services of the Ministry of Natural Resources, combined with the actual cases in various districts in recent years, this revision deletes the expression "not suitable as a long-term residential service institution such as a nursing home". At the same time, in order to ensure that the reconstruction behavior meets the requirements of the code, according to the Shanghai regulations on Endowment Service, in path 2, the "temporarily changeable building use function for old-age service" is adjusted to "temporarily change the building use function. Set up standard old-age service facilities".

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Yiju Research Institute, said that the new guidelines mentioned two paths, namely, the inclusion of stock resources into urban renewal, and the temporary change of building use functions of stock resources. For commercial, office and other housing, without changing the nature of planning and land ownership, the building use functions can be changed temporarily, which can promote related work more flexibly and reduce the cumbersome procedures for examination and approval.

Yan Yuejin also said that such policies are objectively the reuse of inefficient land and housing, and there has been a marked increase in local policies on the use of inefficient or idle land this year.

Safeguard measures

The new guidelines improve the safeguard measures. In response, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission said it would adhere to the principle of the bottom line of safety and add a comprehensive regulatory measure. Combined with the opinions of the department, from the point of view of standardizing daily operation and strengthening supervision, in the part of safeguard measures, a new provision "the old-age service facilities established by the stock resources should strictly implement the relevant regulations on the standardized management of the old-age service facilities in this city in the daily operation." District governments should strictly implement the territorial responsibility for the safety supervision of old-age service facilities in their respective administrative areas. Civil affairs, housing construction, fire control and other departments to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the operation of old-age services and facilities, building safety, fire safety and other links.

There are five specific safeguard measures:

one100freecasinoslotgames. We will encourage the transformation of existing resources into old-age service facilities through urban renewal. The right holder can adjust the nature of the planned land in accordance with the regulations of Shanghai Municipal regulations on Urban Renewal and relevant supporting documents, combined with the special planning for the layout of old-age service facilities, and on the basis of the evaluation of the planning and the determination of the civil affairs department, sign a supplementary contract for the transfer of land by way of stock land premium, develop and build old-age service facilities according to the nature of the new land, and can enjoy preferential policies related to urban renewal.

two100freecasinoslotgames. On the basis of the evaluation of the planning and the determination of the civil affairs department, those who temporarily change the function of building use of the existing resources may not change the land use and the holder of the right to use the land temporarily. Among them: those who use stock resources (land obtained by means of allocation) to engage in non-profit old-age services and operate continuously for more than one year may not increase the annual land rent or land income difference within five years.

3. If the for-profit old-age service institutions temporarily use the stock construction land to engage in the construction of old-age service facilities, which involves the transfer (lease) or transfer of the right to the use of allocated construction land, under the premise that the original land use is in line with the planning, the land use may not be changed, allow the obligee to pay the land transfer fee (rent), and go through the formalities of agreement transfer or lease.

4. The old-age service facilities set up by the stock resources can enjoy subsidies for the construction and operation of old-age service facilities in accordance with the relevant regulations, as well as tax relief, water, electricity and cable television fee concessions, and so on.

5. The old-age service facilities set up by using the stock resources shall strictly implement the relevant regulations on the standardized management of the old-age service facilities in this city in their daily operation. District governments should strictly implement the territorial responsibility for the safety supervision of old-age service facilities in their respective administrative areas. Civil affairs, housing construction, fire control and other departments will strengthen the supervision and inspection of the operation of old-age services and facilities, building safety, fire safety and other links.

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