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According to population projections released by Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 4th, as of April 1, the number of children under the age of 15 in Japan, including resident foreigners, was 14.01 million, a decrease of 330000 from the same period last year.Pennfierce36000Children account for 11% of the total population in JapanPennfierce36000.3%, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year, the lowest since statistics began in 1950, reflecting the further intensification of the trend of fewer children in Japan.

Statistics show that Japan's child population has declined for 43 consecutive years since 1982. In terms of gender, there are about 7.18 million boys and 6.83 million girls in Japan; in terms of age, there are 3.17 million children aged 12 to 14 and 2.35 million children under 2 years old, showing the phenomenon that the younger the age, the fewer the number of children. Geographically, the area with the highest proportion of children in the total population is Okinawa prefecture, which is 16.1%, and the area with the lowest proportion of children is Akita prefecture, which is 9.1%.


Data show that as of October 1 last year, the number of children in all 47 prefectures in Japan decreased compared with the same period last year. Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures alone have a child population of more than 1 million.

According to the United Nations demographic Yearbook, although the deadlines for population projections vary from country to country, among the 37 countries with a global population of more than 40 million, Japan ranks second from the bottom in the proportion of children in the total population, only higher than South Korea.

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