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Author | Tian Yaxiong, Futures Research and Development Department of CITIC Construction Investment Corporation

Research assistant Liu Hao

Time of completion of this report | May 6, 2024

Important note: the views and information in this report are for reference only to futures traders who meet the appropriateness regulations of the CSRC. Access restrictions cannot be set for the time being on this platformStaratlasblockchainIf you are not a qualified trader, in order to control the trading risk, please do not click to view or use any information in this report. Sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this, thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Core viewpoints

The main incremental information during the holiday period is mainly in three aspects: 1, the non-farm data in the United States suggest that the job market data is softening; 2, the price of WTI crude oil has fallen, and the marginal conflict between Palestine and Israel has eased; 3.StaratlasblockchainAt the meeting of the political Bureau of our country, the policy direction of digesting and optimizing the increment of real estate inventory was discussed, and the important tone of "persisting in taking advantage of the situation and avoiding tightening in front and loosening later" was put forward.

Gasoline accounts for about 3% of US CPI, and the fall in crude oil has eased future re-inflationary expectations and a periodic rebound in unemployment. The main directional judgment gathered above is the top expressed by the hawks of the Federal Reserve, that is, the top of the dollar, which is also the top of US bond yields, looming again and more solid than it was in December last year. Using this judgment to trade the exchange rate of the dollar, trading US bonds is of reference significance, but the guidelines for commodities are complicated and confusing.

In the market over the next month or two, the benchmark expectation is that US economic expectations no longer need to be revised up, but it is far from recession; the peak of US re-inflation trading is over, but not an immediate interest rate cut. In this environment, the estimates of US stocks, such as non-ferrous metals, which have the most significant risk preference in the early stage, are facing adjustment. In view of the fact that the current macro expression is larger than the window of industrial expression, when the target with higher valuation can not take enough action, it is the profit of the target with low valuation.

The reversal of long and short arbitrage is mainly in the main pairs of overseas rights and interests-Chinese rights and interests, industrial products of commodities (overseas pricing-domestic pricing), industrial products-agricultural products, considering that American stocks, copper and gold are hardly weakening, so the reversal trading is mainly along the idea of low-priced assets, and then thinks that the domestic black goods JM, CBOT agricultural products and the corresponding domestic oil and oil tend to be multi-matched.

The most gaming target is gold, which has risen in conjunction with the dollar some time ago (based on inflation). The recent fall in gold under deviated non-farm data suggests that bulls in gold are selling in stages, that is, the fact that the marginal selling of the dollar has peaked. Given that inflation is sticky but not enough to return to re-inflationary trading, and the US economy does not fall into an immediate recession, gold is estimated to be in a range of shocks.

The further upward probability of gold in the future depends on the expectation of interest rate cuts that will lead to a trend decline in the US dollar. The 100 mark is an important reference. In the current game, there are mainly two directions: 1, the volatility of AU will decline, expressed by options; 2, the ratio of gold to copper is higher, and the tracking direction believes that the price of US stocks itself has a strong fundamental significance. If the US stock exceeds expectations, the ratio of gold and copper is expected to rise, and the transmission mechanism is that US stocks fall to the weakening of household wealth effect, and then to the decline of inflation expectations and the decline of economic growth.

Logical expression

The overseas incremental information over the past week has mainly focused on US non-farm data for April, which frankly fell short of market expectations. What is worth judging is whether the strong non-farm data in March or the weak non-farm data in April are closer to the current situation in the United States. According to high-frequency indicators, service sector job creation slowed in April, while part-time employment reached a new high, suggesting a cooling of the labour market.

On the other hand, the price of WIT crude oil fell. Gasoline accounts for about 3% of CPI weights in the United States, and the high frequency of changes makes gasoline price fluctuations contribute more to CPI fluctuations. The decline in WTI crude prices over the past period of time has eased future re-inflationary expectations to a considerable extent, superimposed by a rebound in unemployment, and we understand that the Fed's hawkish expression may have peaked. In other words, the top of the dollar and Treasury yields are back and are expected to be more persuasive than the top in December, and marginal trading opportunities have emerged on the dollar and Treasuries.

But for other large categories of assets, this guidance is complicated and confusing. We understand that the benchmark forecast for the market over the next month or two may be that there will be no significant upward revision in the US economy, but it is also far from the point of trading recession. Us re-inflationary trading has passed its peak, but the prerequisites for falling inflation to trigger interest rate cuts have not yet been reached, as is roughly the case with the trading environment for some time to come. After a highly consistent trading window from February to April, the market has returned to a relatively chaotic trading environment, and assets such as US stocks and non-ferrous metals, such as US stocks and non-ferrous metals, may face a wave of adjustment. Considering that the current macro expression still takes precedence over industrial expression, we believe that the early actions on the top species on the list of dragons and tigers can be insufficient or imply that the undervalued mark is expected to open room for bullish trading. In other words, a window of long-short arbitrage reversal is emerging, which is mainly concentrated in overseas markets and Chinese markets, such as overseas-denominated industrial products and domestic-denominated industrial products. In addition, considering that it is difficult for assets such as gold, copper and US stocks to weaken in the short term, we understand that reverse trading is mainly around bargain-seeking and long-low valuation assets, such as domestic black commodities and domestic oil and oil varieties linked to CBOT agricultural products tend to be more mixed.





  豆粕:南里奥格兰德州大豆收割进度76% ,强降雨之下,Safras称该州400-500万吨大豆产量处于风险中。据报道阿根廷罢工仍在持续。基金持仓大幅增加,净多头也在增加,说明做多力量在显著增加,空头回补或再度触发上周行情。本周持续关注美豆种植进度和巴西的产情。我们上调豆粕震荡区间3350-3600,区间逢低做多为主。







Corn: the purchase price of Beigang is low, the enterprise buys 2280-2330 yuan / ton, the highest is 2350, the holiday arrival fluctuates between 30 cars and 116cars, 54 cars this morning. In terms of deep processing, the northeast is mainly stable, and an enterprise during the holiday has reduced 10 yuan; the arrival of goods in North China has moved down compared with last week, with the morning surplus fluctuating between 91 and 1009 vehicles, with 433 vehicles in the morning, a decrease of 265.The purchase prices of enterprises in North China have strengthened, with 16 enterprises fluctuating from + 10 to + 20. In the starch market, North China maintains rigid demand, the transaction price moves down to less than 2900, the low price of South China port still exists, weak adjustment, downstream start-up and decline. The current corn fundamentals to maintain the trend of weak shocks, pay attention to the stabilization of the wheat market and large enterprises to receive goods on the reaction to the market. Starch needs to consider the main weak and vice strong situation, according to the volume and price of the main products to judge the change of maintenance willingness of deep processing enterprises. You can consider the operation of the shock box market, for starch in the profit repair to do the gradual formation of the logic of contraction, pay attention to the corn price stage after the bottom for the profit compression.

Apple: the Apple market is mainly suppressed by spot pessimism: due to the shrinking sales window, more fruit growers left in the cold storage are still selling at reduced prices. The result is continued loosening of prices and losses of some practitioners, thus suppressing industrial sentiment. The price reduction promotion of cold storage fruit farmers' goods takes a certain period of time to make room for good goods, but as the 05 contract is gradually approaching the delivery month, we think that the impact of the lack of good goods in cold storage may be initially realized at the end of 05. there is even the possibility that it can not be reflected in 05. Local apple production in the new season needs to pay attention to the recent evolution of the weather, the production areas began to reflect the differentiation of fruit-setting, and the supply-side contradictions of contracts such as 10 and 11 are not too fierce for the time being. Pessimism on the spot side is still pervasive, mainly wait-and-see.

White sugar: 1. The price of raw sugar remains volatile during the festival. When the ICE05 contract expires, the delivery volume is about 1.67 million tons, the fourth highest in history, and a large number of deliveries are interpreted as bearish signals by the market. 2. India's accelerated harvest, ethanol policy update is expected to increase the flow of 800000 tons, whether there will be new exports is still uncertain 3. At present, under the stimulation of high profits, Brazil's 24xue 25 crushing season has been squeezed ahead of schedule, but there is too much rain in April, and the actual number of sugar mills actually opened has not reached the number expected by UNICA; 4. The progress of domestic production and marketing has slowed down but is basically the same as last year. In terms of imported sugar, according to recent shipping reports, there is only one additional ship to China, so the pressure on short-term spot is not very obvious. 09 fluctuation range of 6100-6300 yuan / ton, mainly wait and see.

Cotton: 1. During the May Day holiday, ICE American cotton fell below 75 cents / lb to a new low of nearly a year and a half, and the main rebound closed at 77.92 cents / lb. 2. As of May 2, the inventory of ICE deliverable No. 2 cotton contract has dropped to 186110 bales. 3.USDA 's latest export weekly report shows that in the week ended April 25, cotton export sales in the United States increased by 97400 bales in the current year, 45% lower than the previous week and 20% lower than the previous four-week average. This year's cotton supply peak has passed, and the market is more demand-oriented. Pay attention to the progress of demand recovery and the weather and cotton planting progress in new flower producing areas. Short-term affected by the decline in the outer disk, the price is on the negative side.

European shipping line: the news about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict evolved many times during the May Day holiday, but the Red Sea supply chain crisis that the market bet on before the May Day holiday once again seemed too anxious. The three major alliances have promoted the second round of price increases, which came into effect in mid-May, accompanied by more active measures of capacity control. Even if the larger increase in the announcement can not be fully realized, the center of gravity of freight in May will be stable and strong, and the freight in June, July and August will be boosted by the adjustment of freight and market expectations in mid-May. If the volume is more sufficient, there may also be two or more mid-month price increases in June, July and August. We take a long view of the contracts as a whole and expect that the settlement price of 06 may be slightly higher than that of 04, and the settlement price of 08 will be higher than 06, which may be close to or even break through the 3506 points of SCFIS before the Spring Festival. If you continue to hold long orders in the previous period, you can consider being long in each callback in the undervalued range (06Rom 2500pm 2700bn 08Rd 2300m 2600).

Pulp: in January and March, China imported 854000 tons of coniferous pulp, an increase of 13.9% over the same period last year. The spot supply is relatively loose, but the supply side is still profitable. 2. As the price of raw materials continues to rise, downstream profits are compressed, and some downstream paper enterprises plan to shut down. 3. Suzano announced that the price of eucalyptus pulp in the Asian market increased by US $30 / ton in May 2024, boosting the mentality of the domestic spot market. At present, the contradiction between supply and demand intensifies, supply-side prices continue to rise, but domestic downstream paper enterprises are not willing to undertake, short-term prices are expected to remain high, fluctuating range of 6200-6400 yuan / ton, mainly wait and see in the short term.

(source: Wind, MPOB, Mysteel, ISM, USDA, Louvre, Accor, U.S. Department of Labor)

Researcher: Tian Yaxiong

Futures trading consulting information: Z0012209

Research Assistant: Liu Hao

Futures information: F03103250


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