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May 7, May 7WorldofpokerShenzhen Stock Exchange issued an inquiry letter on the annual report of Dori Pharmaceuticals.

In the post-mortem review of the 2023 annual report of Dori Pharmaceuticals, the main issues concerned by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange are:

First of all, during the reporting period, the company achieved operating income 3Worldofpoker.3.4 billion yuan, down 16.64% from the same period last year; the net profit attributed to the owner of the parent company was 18.8507 million yuan, down 8.05% from the same period last year; and the net cash flow from operating activities was 12.4131 million yuan, an increase of 1001.79% over the same period last year. The company's main business includes preparations, pharmaceutical distribution and others, with a comprehensive gross profit margin of 68.36%, down 11.19 percentage points from the same period last year, including 1.18 percentage points for preparation products and 17.49 percentage points for pharmaceutical distribution and other gross profit margins.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires the company to explain the reasons and rationality of the decline in operating income and gross profit margin, and list the specific sales of the top ten customers in the past two years by product, including customer name, time of establishment, duration of cooperation, sales amount, sales model, balance of accounts receivable, payment after the period, etc., and analyze the reasons for the changes of the above-mentioned customers. This paper quantitatively analyzes the reasons and rationality of the great difference between net cash flow and net profit of business activities in the reporting period, and explains the main business models, customer conditions, income recognition methods and sales contents of pharmaceutical distribution and other income in the past two years, and quantitatively analyzes the reasons and rationality of the change of gross profit margin of pharmaceutical distribution and other income, which is consistent with comparable companies in the same industry.

Secondly, during the reporting period, the company incurred promotion service fees of 146 million yuan, accounting for 43.56% of the current business income.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires companies to disclose the basic situation of the top ten promotion service providers in the last three years, and to analyze the reasons for the changes of the top ten promotion service providers in the last three years, and to explain the reasons and rationality of the high proportion of promotion service fees in business income.

Third, at the end of the reporting period, the company's book currency funds were 405 million yuan, and interest-bearing liabilities totaled 180 million yuan, of which long-term loans were 118 million yuan, short-term loans were 50 million yuan, and non-current liabilities due within one year were 12 million yuan.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires the company to explain the specific use and deposit management of the company's book monetary funds, and whether there are restrictions on its use, and if so, explain the details and reasons; explain the reasons and reasonableness of the relatively high level of monetary funds and interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the reporting period, and the substantial increase in the balance of long-term loans.


Source: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

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