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spinonlinefree| US is firm: SpaceX prevents Russia from using Star Chain

News on May 13thSpinonlinefreeAccording to foreign media reports, the United States has asked SpaceX to prevent Russia from using star chains.

According to the report, the United States has successfully blocked the use of Russia (it has not been disclosed which technology has been used to stop it), but the latter will certainly continue to try to use star chains and other commercial communication systems.

In Russia, advertisements for star chain terminals are still available on platforms such as e-commerce site Ozon.

Earlier this year, SpaceX announced that it had successfully sent text messages through Starlink satellites using T-Mobile 's network, and planned to bring its mobile direct-connected satellite service to market in the coming year.

SpaceX plans to start providing D2D text services this year and is expected to expand to voice, data and Internet of things services by 2025.

According to SpaceX's official website, the directly connected mobile phone service can be used with existing phones to achieve "seamless access to text, voice and data" without changing hardware, firmware or special applications.

spinonlinefree| US is firm: SpaceX prevents Russia from using Star Chain

In other words, users can connect directly to satellites without buying new mobile phones that support satellite communications, which is different from current technologies such as Huawei, iPhone, Tianyi Platton and so on.

[end of this article] if you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: fast technology.

Responsible Editor: snowflake

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