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videopokeryoutube| Yuandu Technology claims that its subsidiary has forged quality inspection reports and other behaviors. Zhongheng responded: malicious slander and fabrication of false information

Xu Shuai, a journalist, has many articles per editor.

Chengdu, May 7 (Reporter Xu Shuai) Today (May 7)VideopokeryoutubeYuandu Technology said in a statement through its official WeChat account:

Chengdu Zhongheng Dapeng UAV Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongheng UAV) is a vertical and horizontal stock (SH688070, share price 38Videopokeryoutube.17 yuan, market value 3.343 billion yuan) the wholly-owned subsidiary, when participating in the bidding of the forestry reform and development fund procurement project of the central finance of Kashgar Prefecture Forestry and Grass Bureau in 2022, was questioned by distant science and technology for falsifying quality inspection reports, and was disqualified from winning the bid after verification.

In May 2023, the Kashgar Regional Finance Bureau received a statement on the cancellation of the letter of query sent by Ma Fujun, the then director of the drone in Xinjiang. It has been verified that the statement and the official seal of Beijing Yuandu Internet Technology Co., Ltd. are forged and its behavior has been suspected of committing a crime. "

videopokeryoutube| Yuandu Technology claims that its subsidiary has forged quality inspection reports and other behaviors. Zhongheng responded: malicious slander and fabrication of false information

Since May 7, a reporter from the Daily Business News contacted people related to Zhongheng shares on the announcement of Yuandu Science and Technology. People related to Zongheng shares said: Yuandu's statement is maliciously slanderous and fabricates false information, and the company has obtained evidence of all false information in accordance with the law, and will defend its legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

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