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icebreakerbingo|亚洲电视10亿投资微短剧市场 开放IP资源助力创作者发展

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ATV invested 1 billion yuan to launch the "Kunpeng Project", opening up classic IP resources to support the creation of short dramas and promote the development of the industry. Creators can apply for the right of adaptation, and ATV provides financial, creative and promotional support.

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[Asia Television invests 1 billion yuan in layout of short drama market] Asia Television Digital Media Co., Ltd. (referred to as Asia Television, ATV) recently announced the launch of the "Kunpeng Project", which aims to open up classic IP resources to support the creation of short plays. The program covers four aspects: IP openness, capital investment, creative support and promotion to promote the development of the industry.

ATV will release its IP resource list, allowing creators to participate in the adaptation, not limited to the film title, characters and plot. Creators are free to apply for participation, and multiple adaptation rights can be granted to the same IP.

icebreakerbingo|亚洲电视10亿投资微短剧市场 开放IP资源助力创作者发展

In terms of financial support, ATV plans to invest 1 billion yuan a year to assist creators through three models. It includes sole proprietorship production, co-investment with creators and the provision of adaptation authorization. Creators will have a chance to get 10%.IcebreakerbingoEquity incentive.

For the emerging creative team, ATV will provide director, screenwriter and artist support to ensure the quality of the work. At the same time, ATV will be responsible for overseas distribution, while mainland distribution will depend on the mode of cooperation.

In publicity and promotion, ATV will provide a budget equal to the amount of investment, and provide a promotion fee of 1 million to 10 million yuan according to the effect of the work.

ATV, as the first Chinese-language television station in Hong Kong and the world, has a rich resource of film and television works, including classic dramas such as "the Love of the Earth" and "Hero Huo Yuanjia".

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